Plutonium Dangerous Element

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In this paper, is the basic information of the dangerous element; plutonium (Pu). Plutonium is a very fascinating element on the periodic table. It is fascinating regarding its toxic potency and involvement in weapons. Which is why I am choosing to do a paper on this element, people need to realize both how dangerous it is, what it is, how it came to be, and what it can do.
Plutonium is in the transitional metals section of the periodic table. Plutonium has the atomic number 94 and a molar mass of 244, which implies that it has 94 protons, 94 electrons, and 150 neutrons ("It 's Elemental."). You can tell how many protons and electrons there are by the atomic number of the element since it is the same number. A person can also tell how many …show more content…

New elements are found everyday just by making a few modifications to their structure/origin, just like Plutonium. Plutonium was produced by G.T. Seaborg, J.W. Kennedy, E.M. McMillan, and A.C. Wohl in 1940 (Helmenstine). It was occasionally difficult to create another element. However, these four scientists managed to create the element plutonium. They did this by shelling an isotope of uranium (U-238) with deuterons that had been quickened in a device called the cyclotron ("It 's Elemental".). Thanks to this result, Neptunium-238 was created along with two other neutrons. However, even though plutonium was originally created in 1940, it was not announced publicly till 1946 because of wartime concerns ("It 's Elemental."). Thanks to this new element it has proven to be useful, but also …show more content…

There are also some interesting facts about the element plutonium. One of which is, that it was named after the dwarf planet Pluto ("It 's Elemental."). How it can hurt people is also quite interesting. Thanks to the radioactivity of plutonium, it can become quite toxic to the human body, it is usually stored in the bones and liver where it can stay for a very long time ("Plutonium Element Facts."). It also has some unique chemical abilities and/or properties when it is with other elements from the periodic table. Plutonium is chemically reactive, it can form compounds with carbon, nitrogen, silicon, and the halogens from the periodic table ("Plutonium Element Facts."). Thanks to this information, it has helped our society understand plutonium’s fascinating