
Poetry Compare And Contrast Essay

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Compare and Contrast Essay By: Linoshka Ponce

Siberia has been known for its cold harsh weather, and their dark past of World War II. The Poem by James Mangan shows how horribly they treated the prisoners in the camps. The poem presents an oppressive point of view of Siberia. The article “Siberia: Russia’s Wild East Reindeer, Permafrost, and Energy” by Curtis Manley points out how good Siberia is, compared to the poem. In James Mangan’s poem the point of view is very sad, doomed, ruined, and dead because he talks about what happened in Siberia in World War II, for example when he says really deep words in the poem like “Only blight and death” “Blight and death alone” “No summer …show more content…

He also says in the poem “Pain as in a dream” “Each man’s tongue is cloven” what he means by, “Pain as in a dream” is that there is suffering that much that you will never imagine but only in dreams because they are stuck in camps and the government is basically controlling everything. What he means by “Each man’s tongue is cloven” is that everybody has to stay quiet like they can’t say anything because if not they will get killed. The imagery is also like the point of view because when you read it you just can imagine being there all sad and depressed, how hard it will be to live there in the middle of that situation people are going through in Siberia. Like you can see people there suffering with hope …show more content…

He is persuasive about making the reader want to go to Siberia. The article makes it seem like a really good place to live at, especially if you want to be a successful person, Siberia seems the perfect place to be successful from the article's point of view because the article talks about their riches and resources. The imagery of the article seems like a very successful place to be at; to accomplish your dreams. Curtis Manley says that Siberia is known for a rich source of natural resources and a land of opportunity because Siberia is huge and now that it is expanding, now it's making up more than 75 percent of the Russian population. Siberia also traded/made negotiations with other countries and they also had riches which make them look like a country that other people/states support and like an important country for other cities to have negotiations with. The tone is very successful, trustworthy, happy and nice because basically all the article talks about is how a good country Siberia is and how you would love to live there. It also makes it sound like you will have no problems there because it's just “the perfect place’’ and they also have riches too so it makes it seem like nothing bad will happen

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