Poikilothermic Roach Lab Report

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Introduction It is well known that metabolic rate and environmental temperature positively correlate to one another in poikilothermic organisms. In the experiment, it was hypothesized that, if environmental temperature is increased, then the rate of biochemical processes will steadily increase, positively correlating with CO2 production and respiration rates in order for the cockroach, a poikilothermic organism, to achieve equilibrium with the environment. Whereas in comparison to a cockroach exposed to standard lab conditions in a stable environment, biochemical processes should remain constant. Methods: In order to conduct the experiment for observing respiration rates of poikilothermic roaches, carbon dioxide/min/gram was measured by cataloging the production of carbon dioxide/min/gram of two separate …show more content…

Before conducting the experiment, data collection by the Vernier sensor required a modification to the senor’s original settings, which were changed from seconds to minutes to track and access cataloged data points at various times. Units to measure CO2 percentage were also changed to ppm (parts-per million). After these steps had been carried out, the two roaches were taken to the scale, and weighed in at and 4.81 grams and 4.55g, then they were placed into their separate respiration chambers. The respiration chambers were weighed before the roaches were collected and weighed. The Vernier sensor was put into the opening of the chamber, creating an air-tight seal that would prevent the loss of CO2. Under set temperature conditions or “climates” measured at 22˚C and 38˚C, the roaches were observed, and the respiration chambers were positioned relative to the alternate temperature source in order to maximize the effect it had on the

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