Police Brutality Against African-America Essay

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In the American society, a current unanswered problem is police brutality against African-American citizens. In recent years, there has been numerous amounts of incidents that have been televised throughout the nation, including the cases of Trayvon Martin, Philando Castile and Eric Garner. This problem has divided the nation as a whole, by causing extreme tension between African-Americans and Caucasians. The police should be sign of peace and protection to people of all races, but now many African-American citizens fear their life when they encounter a police officer. Many people in our society have a taken a stance against police brutality, and the most commonly known is the former San Francisco 49ers' quarterback, Colin Kaepernick. His actions towards taking a stance against police brutality has brought about healthy conversations between minorities and Caucasians. Many people are opposed to Colin's methods of kneeling during the national anthem, due to the …show more content…

Although it may never be solved, the problem can sure be improved. A community outreach between citizens of a particular city and the police officers of that city, could all come together for the greater good of society. In doing simple tasks, such as picking up trash on the side of a street, can help both parties build relationships with each other and understand the way of life for each other. Understanding the way of the life on both sides, can help citizens see a police officer from "just another cop out to get us" to "a fellow citizen here to protect and serve our community". And also, for police officers to view an African American individual from "a potential criminal" to " a fellow citizen just trying to get by and make a living for

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