Police Order In America

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When asked what the most important part of America is, many would respond with a simple phrase: its freedom. What Americans call freedom is actually a complex mix or rights and liberties. These rights and liberties are institutions of our government to help establish a balance of order, freedom, and equality. Order determines who has power, authority, and how it’s used. Order also involves the behavior and aspects of society. Freedom is the ability to make a choice without hindrance or interference from others, as well as restrictions to create equal rights and protect the citizens. Equality is a sameness between citizens, that no one is treated different than another, as well as access to the same opportunities, programs, and services as any …show more content…

Both kinds of order would be establishing freedoms of each type. Police order would be protecting minorities from discrimination, as well as the ability to do whatever acts someone may want in the privacy of their home. Social order would discourage assaulting or stealing from each other, but may also allow racism to persist. The freedoms that each of these orders enforce may also have backing by police order. In mid 90’s America, social order allowed discrimination of minorities, but now it’s far less acceptable in most parts of the company, with police order backing it up through discrimination …show more content…

Negative freedom, if completely implemented, would essentially be anarchy. Any form of government could be considered restrictive. Also, no form of positive freedom could exist, as it would somehow inhibit on a form of negative freedom. On the other side of the spectrum, it is just as impossible to have complete positive freedom and no negative. If the government were to control every aspect of someone's life, such as their job, what they ate, where they lived, then that person would have no negative freedom. Either of these systems would cause the ratios of equality and order to fall into extreme imbalance. No just society could come out of these extremities, as either the masses would dominate the minorities, or everyone would revolt from an oppressive government managing every aspect of their lives. If a certain kind of equality would be more emphasized than others, there’s always a certain group that would be discriminated against. CEO’s would be enraged and industry would suffer in a country that redistributed all the wealth, and a country that didn’t enforce consumer and worker rights would be subject to an extreme wealth gap and poverty among much of it’s