Five Key Strategies To Enhance Engagement

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Strategies to enhance Engagement There are five key strategies to promote organizational loyalty and engagement: (1) Promote identification with the organization; help nurses to see how the mission and values of the organization are consistent with nurses' values, (2) Connect nurses to the success/status of the organization; encourage nurses to develop a sense of pride in an organization by contributions in the organization’s accomplishments and status, (3) Create security; give nurses a sense of security about the employability and potential career paths within the organization, (4) Provide recognition and opportunities to build skills; provide nurses with opportunities to develop the skills and mastery at the jobs and (5) Build trust; build an environment of trust and transparency (Sherman, 2014). Also, nurses' engagement interventions can be classified in terms of organizational, job, and individual-level interventions: Organizational level: Civility Respect and Engagement at Work (CREW) program that builds upon a 6-month sequence of group sessions following principles of organizational development to improve civility among colleagues. Job level interventions; redesigning jobs in order to promote engagement boils down to increasing job resources and individual level intervention; programs …show more content…

Functional turnover occurs when poor performers leave an organization. This type of turnover doesn't harm the organization in the long term. Instead, it benefits the organization by excluding poor performers, maximizes the cost savings as a result of unpaid bonuses to outgoing nurses, and the introduction of new nurses to replace outgoing nurses effects in the introduction of new ideas, creativity and innovation into the organization. Dysfunctional turnover arises when high performers leave an organization (Radford,