Political And Economic Structures In Africa In The 1800s

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Over time, political and economic structures in Africa have changed continuously. Having been colonized repeatedly in the 1800s, Africa’s structures have changed due to colonization and were faced with challenges as many of the natural resources, which had provided income and structural support, were taken away. Africa’s political and economic structure, prior to the Europeans invasion, consisted of small states that had a structure of government set up by chiefs for the society. The more powerful states contained more wealth through the creation of trade routes to the European nations. While the Sultans or kings were the ones who had an elevated status. The main source of economic income came from gold, ivory and slaves. Once European nations invaded, both political and economic structures in Africa fell. …show more content…

Africa lacked the strength of other nations and it being such a large country, it was difficult to protect. Africa also lacked the industrialization and creation of defenses, such as a military. Empires like Ghana and Mali were ruled with chiefs that had set up sophisticated political systems and social structures that were changed when foreigners arrived. In South Africa, Cape Cod was taken over by the British as a base against the French and controlled the sea routes to the East. Africans were assimilated and towards the twentieth century they were