Political Correctness In Our Society

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Political correctness requires us to translate marxism from economic language, into cultural language. The main premise forming the essence of political correctness is that through the elites ability to dictate our language, comes their control over the way we act, therein socially engineering society for their own purpose.

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Political correctness can be described as the barring of expressive and activistic forms confirmed by “correct thinkers” to be exclusionary, insulting or marginalising in respect to minority groups who are discriminated against or socially disadvantaged. The intended corruption of news media, congress, universities, pop culture, politics and our industrial society can be credited to the conscious, manipulating force known …show more content…

As a result of this, certain classifications of people have been appointed ‘cannonised mortals’ and are viewed as somewhat unwontedly innocent and good irrespective of how these individuals may actually behave. Hence, the preaching of radical feminists who spawned the idea that men living in today 's society must expiate the offences committed by their forefathers against women. This act of deliberate stereotyping has since warped the archetype of the modern white man who is now considered in the realm of political correctness, to be automatically and somewhat universally of a malicious, immoral and needless to say, misogynistic psyche. While the victims of ‘political incorrectness’ are constitutionally entitled to articulate their views, equal entitlement does not belong to their opposers. Those who are among politically correct thinkers decree particular words as correct and others as incorrect, on the basis that they are ‘harmful’, thereby making themselves exempt from competition against those ideas that oppose their own. Political correctness grants us a whole new vocabulary with which it is easy to be blamed and even easier to be a …show more content…

Thereby attaining conformity and a multiculturalist form of ‘groupthink’. When our ability to think critically is thwarted, so is our freedom. New Zealand must not become a nation alienated from itself and its right to truth by an ideology based in non-reality. We must oppose political correct doctrine at all costs and strive for truth through the employment of arguments based in rationality, reality and logic. The disambiguation of our language and our rights to freedom of expression are imperative, or else, western society will endure further the crippling effects political correctness, and it’s