Political Elements During The Progressive Era

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The political elements during the Progressive Era dealt with the number of hours that women were allowed to work during the week. A laundry owner did not care for the ten-hour workdays that were granted to his female employees (Keene, 550). He did not care and did not think that working for longer in an unhealthy environment would pose a threat to their overall health. Fortunately, the Supreme Court stayed with their decision and continued to support maximum hour laws, but only for female workers. Women who were progressive reformers were ecstatic about this decision. They thought of it as a victory for the female workers. However, there were Feminists who found fault, especially when knowing that the only reason they had maximum hour laws was to protect their reproductive health. …show more content…

This difference of opinions between the reformers and feminists created a gap in the women’s movement. This decision not only created a split in the movement for women’s rights, but it also started causing employers to stop hiring women. However, it could be said that his brought women of different social classes closer together. They started working together in order to achieve a common goal. The political elements during this Progressive Era really brought out the inequality between man and woman in the working environment. Women may have gotten a really good deal, but it did not matter if men were still getting a different deal. This did cause women to begin fighting more seriously for their rights and helped them come together more than