Political Elements Of 1945-1963 Essay

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The political elements of the time 1945-1963 consisted of post-World War II solutions and preventions for further conflicts, such as the spread of communism. Truman and Marshall’s solutions were defined through NATO, an organization in which protects its member’s liberty and security, by the Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan. The Truman Doctrine being a foreign policy initiative in efforts to stop the spread of global communism, and the Marshall Plan was a plan in hopes of restoring European’s faith in capitalism by sending money overseas for economic problems (Keene, 728). Truman’s solution to post-war problems was to convince the people that America needed to be involved in resolving international disputes. Marshall’s solution was to provide …show more content…

“To combat both indifference and panic, governmental propaganda underscored the seriousness of the threat, while also reassuring the public could survive an atomic blast, if they took precautionary measures such as building fortified fallout shelters…” (Keene, 738). This propaganda directed more towards sci-fi fans in such movies and comic books of Godzilla, Hulk, and Spider-Man, whom were radioactively brought forth. It also directed towards children in things such as Bert the Turtle, in hopes that if an attack ever did occur they would know what to do and by 1950 schoolchildren throughout the country had learned the famous “duck and cover” instructions (Keene, 739). “Today in the age of hydrogen weapons, evacuation from target areas is our best assurance of survival” (Target You: Surviving A Nuclear Attack). Although the propaganda was downplayed in seriousness, there was quite a bit of advice implied in all of it to help prepare the public for possible threats of nuclear attacks. Therefore, the aesthetic elements of the time 1945-1963 can be defined through the multiple examples of post-war governmental propaganda used in hopes of readying the public for future threats and has continued to throughout the past

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