
Political Party Research Paper

1398 Words6 Pages

Cydney Jacob
Period 4
Political Party Essay

After deep thought considering and observing both major and minor political parties, I came to find after careful research that I have decided to register with the Democratic Party. The Republican Party, founded in 1854, and the Democratic Party, founded in 1824, are the two major political parties in the United States. I found that the Democratic Party’s view leans more towards what my opinions are on health care, taxes and more. The Democratic issues state points that could really change our country. 5 major issues that my party has taken a stance on is health care, civil rights, jobs and the economy, the immigration reform, and education.
Health Care has always been a problem. …show more content…

That promise was the ability for all Americans to have all available access to health care. Later, the Democrats were able to have the health care reform passed into a law. In an article, www.democrats.org, I read that by 2014 the health reform would have all discrimination and pre existing conditions terminated, they would start trying to have health insurance coverage increase for an additional 32 million Americans, and would help supply the biggest middle class tax cut for health care ever in history, The children with preexisting insurance are not allowed to be denied insurance. The affordable care act is what makes this possible. It also helps small businesses have tax cuts to help balance the cost to cover employees, and allows families to pay for insurance. This act has ended so many of the …show more content…

and millions of americans are very bothered by the illegal aliens coming in and trying to take over. Diversity is very popular in our country, but our immigration needs to be fixed. The Democrats support the comprehensive reform which includes responsibility. We give the responsibility to our federal government to keep the border secure from illegal immigrants. The Obama control has people securing our border and is now reducing the illegal trafficking. There is responsibility in immoral businesses who are breaking the law and who have undocumented employees who weaken the chance of American workers and the federal government has to be trusted to stop and secure that Also, there is the responsibility in sending them back or if they are illegal workers who do a good deed and admit that what they have done has broken the law, then they would pay taxes and a penalty fee. They would have to learn our language and be settle with the law before trying to get a citizenship in the United States.The Comprehensive reform is continuing to change the country and i feel is a good system, Undocumented workers are a threat to American workers and usually are willing to work harder for less pay, which intentionally puts our Americans out of work. This is not good for our economy. Obama is enforcing background checks on businesses that are hiring these immigrants and more before they are able to earn citizenship.It would be great if every

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