Political Philosophies Of Winston Churchill And Adolf Hitler

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Both Winston Churchill and Adolf Hitler had political ideologies that guided them in their political careers. These political ideologies were very different and lead to different outcomes in history for their country and their people. Their political goals were determined by their political ideologies and this lead to certain consequences for them and their people. Their political philosophies and goals strongly affected the way that citizens of both England and Germany were treated. Their ideologies were based on the way they viewed the world and where they thought the destiny of them and their countries lied in the historical landscape of that time. The world at this time was recovering from World War 1 and was quickly moving towards World …show more content…

With this strong sense of German nationalism, was based on the belief called Anti-Semitism which is the hatred of the Jewish race. He thought deeply that Germany had been embarrassed by its enemies during World War 1 and could not believe that his beloved country had surrendered. Hitler felt as though his nation had to arise from the ashes of their defeat from World War 1. He came to have a political ideology called National Socialism or Nazism for short. This political ideology was based on racial purity of the German race and German nationalism. It pushed Germany to expand its borders as a matter of German pride. It gave the citizens a sense of pride though in their country or nationalism. It was an ideology that was racist, firmly against Communism and Marxism, and lead Germany into a war that was devastating for the future of Germany. (http://www.biography.com/people/adolf-hitler-9340144#rise-to-power) Unlike Hitler, Churchill followed in the footsteps of his father and became involved with the Conservative Party. He was an independent thinker and was very dedicated to social reform. He became unhappy by the actions of the Conservative party and switched to the Liberal Party. While throughout his political career, he promoted causes which supported social justice in England, but by the end of his political career he had switched back to the …show more content…

They both used their political ideologies to lead their countries to where they envisioned them. Hitler and his National Socialism wanted to lift Germany out of the defeat of the past and wanted to return it to its past sense of greatness. He also wanted to take back lands from other countries that had been taken after WW1 or where German citizens or of German descent were living. Hitler wanted to kill any voice that was against his own. His goal was to create a country based on this sense of superiority. He wanted to right the wrongs that he thought were committed against Germany in the past. It was based on racism and based on oppression of people’s rights in order to further the state’s goals. (http://www.biography.com/people/adolf-hitler-9340144#rise-to-power) Churchill wanted to see his country become a democratic model for other nations. He wanted to provide for some of the basic needs of the poor by the government. He promoted social justice and was a big promoter of using the government to try to right some social wrongs through government intervention. This was an early form of socialism. His military strategies and goals helped modernize parts of the British military especially the Navy. He prepared the Nation of Great Britain for the war that was coming. His goal was to make England ready for the very evident war that was to come. His policies were geared towards achieving