Pollution Essay: The Challenger Disaster

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The Challenger disaster!
The shuttle disaster that shook the world

There is so much in space, more than we know that's beyond our reach. Lots of astronauts try to go beyond that reach. 32 years ago on the 28 of January a terror disaster ( the challenger) occurred in florida at 11:39 1986 killing all seven crew members. For years NASA successfully sent astronauts into space but some never made it back onto earth. The Challenger will forever be in memory.
Going into space was nothing new for the challenger. The Challenger did many space missions before the last one. www.space.com says, “the Number of missions was 10 missions all together.” The challenger successfully completed 9 missions, and on the 10 mission the challenger exploded in earth's orbit. All the missions the challenger did lead to much time in space. According to Elizabeth Howell “Time in space for the Challenger was: 62 days, 7 hours, 56 minutes, 22 seconds” (www.space.com). The first flight was on April 4 through 9th, 1983. And the last flight was on Jan. 28, 1986. From how much time spent in space it was assumed to have no problem going back in space. …show more content…

But they planned to launch the rocket on a certain date but that changed real quick. According to the History Channel, “it was scheduled to launch on January 22 carrying a seven-member crew” (http://www.history.com). The rocket was dated to launch on the 22. They had a plan but not everything worked out quite as they expected. The rocket launch a different day than they originally plan to launch it. According to the http://www.bbc.com “NASA’s space shuttle launch on January 28 1986 was played out.” The accident changed the space program forever.The accident was tragic for everyone. Some lost family, friends, loved ones. The launch of the rocket lead to many