Pony Quotes From The Outsiders

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“I lie to myself all the time. But I never believe me.” – Pony Boy. This is one of Pony’s more famous quotes from the book, The Outsiders, in which he states he lies to himself, in which we can infer he is making almost an alternate reality for himself, but he never ‘joins’ it. Over the course of the book we learn about the hardships that both the Greasers and the Socs have to face. There will be murder, runaway chases, and confessions. Through all of this Pony shows his mixed feelings of things through his acts out of fear to help people along his journey, through his willingness to put others safety and health in front of his own, and his ability to stay true to his friends throughout the whole novel, thick and thin. Pony Boy exerts a complicated …show more content…

During the night that Pony and Johnny we jumped by five drunk Socs on their own territory, “The sudden blast of a car horn made us both jump,”(pg 54) Johnny saved Pony from drowning by stabbing Bob, in which was fatal. ”Oh Glory,’ I said, ‘just what I need to top off a perfect night.”(pg 54) Pony quickly comes up with a plan to benefit the situation, so they go see Dallas. From there they make their way to an old church where they wait out the whole ordeal, but it all does not go according to plan. My explanation of TE number one and two together is that it shows how scared of the world, or of Socs the Greasers really are when they are not in larger groups, so in cases as such, the odds turn against them. The situation in which both of these took place was when Pony brought Johnny along with him to run away, but was jumped by Bob and other drunken Socs, on Greaser …show more content…

Before the rumble, Pony talks to Darry about his condition and tries to persuade Darry to let him fight in the rumble. Darry tries to forcefully make Pony stay at home because of how weak he was. “Let me fight, Darry.”(135) this quote shows that even though Pony’s medical condition, he is loyal to the gang and would risk it all to keep their gangs territory. “Soda and Steve and I had put on more hair oil than was necessary, but we wanted to show that we were greasers. Tonight we could be proud of it.”(pg 126) This quote shows loyalty from Pony, because even though he was ill and weak, he still wanted to show their contesters that he was proud to be a Greaser, and that they were