Pop Culture Analysis

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Everyone has this. This is the connection of people around the world when you are just sitting in your own room. The connection of societies that can be manipulated by different electronic signals. Everyone is affected by the posts, the pop culture, the media. Whether we like to admit it or not we are all affected by the way things are portrayed on either a smaller screen or a larger one. Alan Ginsberg’s quote “Whoever controls the media,the images, controls the culture” Our society is so addicted to our media that this is slowly but surely becoming more of a reality. The media is like a drug and everyone is hooked on it. The media is a greater part of our everyday life and if you can control the media you can control the views the people …show more content…

We all are constantly checking our phones, the magazines at stores, watching TV, listening to the radio, and even reading the newspaper once in awhile. In the documentary 10 Days in North Korea the narrator talks about how the dictatorship there controls everything, including the media. Every morning, in North Korea, they play songs that contain encouragement for the morality of the farm workers and for the respect of their leaders. There are similar songs in 1984 that portray different emotions. “The tune had been haunting London for weeks past. It was one of the countless similar songs published for the benefit of the proles by a sub-section of the Music Department.” In 1984 the government puts out different songs, such as the song that is composed for Hate Week, that bring “joy” to the people during different times of the year. There are also many forms of propaganda throughout North Korea just like in 1984 where the propaganda is scattered throughout the city. In the different museums and throughout the city there is multitudes of propaganda that is supporting the military spirit of North Korea as well as their military accomplishments. By controlling the different propaganda, they are controlling the people’s views on the military which relates to whoever controls the media can control the people’s