Pop Culture Degrades Women

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Imagine we lived in a world with only male superhero and no female superhero. Unfortunately they are held to a different standard then men so you actually don't need to work hard to imagine. On one hand people argue that pop culture degrades women, because they show women weaker then men. And on the other hand people argue pop culture empowers women by showing women and men equal. American popular culture mostly degrades women because, it portrays women weaker than men, the way they look not their abilities, and negative impact on body image and eating disorders.

My first reason is pop culture portrays women as weaker then men. According to Wilmore, "The few female were minor players with limited power." He also writes "Wonder Women spent less time fighting bad guys and more time in her regular-person identity." In other words this proves that pop culture degrades women because first, it shows women were not widely represented and they don't have equal power as men. Others might argue that women are equal to women because before the creator of Wonder Women died she had lots of power. However, after the creator died no one had the same commitment to give her powers back.

Pop culture puts too much emphasis …show more content…

According to Hurley, "some experts claim the doll leads to negative body image and might even trigger eating disorders." He also writes, "every little girl playing with a Barbie dolls are internalizing negative body image." In other words barbie dolls leads to negative body image for girls. In other words, this proves that pop culture degrades girls because when a little girls play with dolls and the dolls are pretty and skinny so the girls think they have to be like that too so they don't eat and tries to be skinny. Others might argue that playing with dolls can help girls. However, some girls want to be skinny and pretty like the dolls and stops