The Case Of Being Against Government Regulation Of Businesses

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This essay will make the case of being against government regulation of businesses and what affect it has on the business environment for example consumers. This essay will be split into different sections. The first section will be the argument against government regulations of businesses and the effect it has. The second section will then go on to describe how businesses are over-regulated, over-taxed and how regulations can cause unemployment/loss of jobs within the economy or in businesses. The next section will be a comparison with the argument in support of government regulations of businesses. The final section will be a conclusion of the two arguments and my opinion on why governments should not be able to regulate businesses. In the …show more content…

Companies already struggling with money would have to fork out extra money to pay their staff if not then job losses could happen. The issue here is that since companies would have to pay more money to their staff this could lead to an increase in price of goods for the consumer who would be extorted for more money especially by the larger monopoly companies who have no competition. Whereas smaller businesses would not be able to up prices as they are in a more competitive market and so job losses could be a bigger issue for small firms. Also there is a private economy which is known as free market and this is basically where there are no regulations/ no tax and different companies are free to trade in the private between them. Doing this means companies would be able to set prices between them without any interference from the …show more content…

They should face larger fines for polluting as not only they effect consumers they also affect wildlife. There are many regulations out there that help consumers for example there is a regulation that’s caps price on food items “without common agriculture policy (CAP) the price of some foods would be out of reach for many consumers” (Bah, E 2015).which is very important to many consumers throughout the world. In the above paragraph I argued the effectiveness of corporation tax in businesses as many of them avoid paying much or any at all. If governments could close loopholes and ensure that companies pay the correct amount and imposing bigger fines that could have an effect on