Determinism In Pop Culture

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Cable News Network - CNN started in 1980 and Music Television – MTV in 1981. They were the product of half a century technological innovations in both telecommunications and the satellite revolution. But besides the technological revolutions that paved the way for them to become global, it was the system the capitalist system that started to shape everything from cinema, arts, music and the byproduct of this is called pop culture. There was always a case of the establishment paving the way for a certain idea, sound, image on what they thought would suit the logic of the capital, and hence the bias and double standard that everyone who’s into a certain type of social existence: politics, arts etc. can be aware off. But mainly what the system …show more content…

We are no doubte in need of each other, everyone is as important as the other, and we do not mean this in a romanticized manner but rather in the context of technological determinism and communication within any cultural context. The problem is always in what Edward T. Hall is addressing to us: that there are cultures of higher and lower contexts nor rather shall we say individuals and groups (collectives) of high and low context. The tricky part begins here, the phantom momentum when a shadow meets light, basically through our analyses we’ve seen that there’s very little concern nor a case where the technological determined societies are concerned with understanding (a prolific understanding) of the cultural patterns nor the process of communication between and in-between various different cultural patterns. Which in returns sends us to a place where a new model of human communication comes to life: the virtual one. We’ve seen a world of post industrial revolution a world of post-communism and while all that has happened the technological advancements have had a mind and an existence of their own. From here we reach to …show more content…

But cyberspace alone is in itself a mode towards a global info world and the question is in its notion of memory which is constantly misleading. While lived memory is active, alive and embodied in the social; individuals, families, groups, nations and regions, are the memories needed to construct shall we say a differential local features within the frame of modern society. But within a post-modern (or after modern) societies there is no doubt that in long run all such memories will be shaped (re-shaped and some erased) to a significant degree by the new digital technologies. The always lurking question is that: is it possible that everything can be reduced by the art of technology. If we look at the Aldous Huxley Brave New World and how much of that book is actually a reality then we can at least assume (we allow ourselves the freedom of assumption here) that it is quite possible because it’s not something that hasn’t been done. In our research we’ve seen that to insist on a radical separation between the “real” and virtual memory seems very quixotic (impractical, impulsive).
“New technologies and of transportation and communication have always transformed the human perception of time and space in modernity. This was as true for the railroad and the telephone, the radio and the airplane, as it will be true for cyberspace and cyber time. New technologies and new media are also always