
Pop Up Research Paper

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Here one day, and gone the next, welcome to the world of pop-up stores. Pop-up stores have been around for years, for example, ice cream trucks and hot dog carts were the basic models for what is now called Pop-up Stores. What is making this marvel business model a part of popular culture? Today’s consumers hear and read about the extravagant introductions to unfamiliar brands that people go crazy over and eager to take part in an experience of a lifetime. Pop-up stores are trending because they offer authentic goods, help to bring life back into failing shopping centers generate new business, create a new experience for consumers, and provide a way for entrepreneurs to market their creations to the world and be successful at the same time. …show more content…

With direct contact consumers are given the opportunity to take their time to examine and try on merchandise before they decide to purchase. They can discuss with the creator what made them come up with the design or product. Whereas with online shopping, they must assume that the products are up to par or will fit based on the specifications listed. Jane Mosbacher Morris, a former counterterrorism advisor for the state department, expresses, “Shopping in person for handcrafted items is a nice change from buying online” (qtd. in Gustke, 16). In a world that is so fast-paced, it is refreshing to take a step back and slow down to make conscious buying decisions and to get to know the creators of such amazing masterpieces. Through the beautiful works of art, one can learn to appreciate and value their possessions simply because of the challenging work and dedication that someone else put into …show more content…

Melissa Lin, a journalist with The Straits Times, states, “Hit by rising vacancy rates and competition from e-commerce websites, shopping malls are turning to a temporary solution to attract shoppers- pop-up stores” (1). There have been more than a handful of larger retail brands announcing that they are closing multiple stores and the reason, they cannot give the shoppers what they want. Shoppers want convenience, which means no long lines to try on items or to check out and some do not want the hassle of being bombarded to buy items they had not planned on purchasing. Pop-up stores help consumers fall back in love with shopping in person. Shan Li, a graduate from the business school at New York University, majoring in journalism states, “[that] in recent years, shopping centers have realized that pop-up stores are a way to gin up excitement among shoppers by making under-the-radar brands accessible and bringing in start-ups linked to celebrities” (C.1). Pop-up stores have become so popular that celebrities such as Lebron James, who has a television show where he seeks out entrepreneurs to compete for a permanent storefront through a pop-up store challenge, to bring businesses back into the city of Akron, Ohio. In a world that relies on the approval and sponsorship of celebrities and professional athletes, it only seems befitting that retail

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