
Kitchen Incubator Framework Plan

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It will likely take some time for Downtown to the goals set forth in the Framework Plan. The Town should not wait for success. Rather, it should be proactive and it should begin to work toward the desired objectives now. Given funding and other limitations to this effort, the Town should pursue those step that are low risk and low cost and that capitalize of the creative energy of the community to move toward success. There are steps that the Town might consider now or within a few years to promote more activity Downtown. 1. Lighter, Quicker, Cheaper Placemaking This Plan has set forth an extensive array of place making strategies. New Castle should pursue such improvements, events and activities over-time. However, steps toward improving …show more content…

Kitchen Incubator Program Kitchen incubator programs help food entrepreneurs open a restaurant or food truck, build a catering company, or sell products in retail stores and online. The incubator strategy for supporting food entrepreneurs is gaining popularity across the country. There are currently more than 200 kitchen incubators across the country, with most of these programs established within the last ten years. A central benefit of a kitchen incubator program is access to costly, shared commercial kitchen equipment. New Castle might pursue funding (through a grant or other means) to create an incubator and community kitchen Downtown. This type of kitchen could be housed for some period in the building on the Kamm property. The necessary utilities are available on site. It is important for the Town of New Castle, which owns the Kamm Property, to view this as a short-term solution. It might be wise for the Town to retain ownership of the Kamm Property, while offering favorable leases to businesses that would be appropriate Downtown for years to come. Long-term, as the Kamm Property redevelops, the kitchen could become a good long-term business/tenant in a redevelopment project. The Town should partner with or sell the Kamm property only when the resulting project will advance the long-term vision set forth in the Framework …show more content…

A pop-up operation, such as those illustrated in the SWOT Assessment, offer the following benefits: a. Low-cost space. This is especially advantageous for new businesses that do not yet have the funds to lease a more traditional retail space. Instead of being locked into a long-term rental agreement, the business can commit for a shorter, fixed period of time, meaning the business can better adapt to the market and/or determine the viability of its operation or product before making long-term or more expensive commitments. Recycled freight cargo containers, while not the only solution, may be an inexpensive way to accommodate this type of activity. Containers can often be purchased for very little money, often between $1,500 and $5,000. Establishing some design standards (such as paint colors, signage and so on) might be appropriate to ensure that they are compatible with the desired Downtown aesthetic and that they contribute to the vibrancy of

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