Pop's Book Report: Their Eyes Were Watching God

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While reading pages 104 and 105, I thought of a prediction. I predict that Pop will transfer his daughter, Déja, to a different school. I expect this to happen because Déja’s father strongly disapproves of the curriculum that she is learning in her school. Déja and about 20 of her classmates are learning about a topic that Pop believes is very sensitive; a terror attack that happened exactly 15 years ago, on September 11, 2001. He was inside the World Trade Center while it was under attack. With smoke and panic everywhere, he was one of the very few fortunate people who survived this physically along with mentally painful experience. After the terror, he became very anxious and depressed. I believe that he would not let anybody, particularly at Déja’s young age of just 10 years old, discover or even experience the slightest bit about this heartbreaking …show more content…

Nearing the end of the book, I made another prediction. I predict that Déja’s family will move out of the homeless shelter that they live in and into another residence that they could afford. I can see this happening because recently, Pop has earned himself a job, meaning that the rest of the family has more than one person to rely on for earning money. At the beginning of the book, Pop was always feeling very sick - he was sad and coughing all the time. At that point, Déja’s mom was the only one who had a job and she was the one that her children relied on to keep food on the table. Now that Pop is feeling better, he has found himself a respectable, well-played job. It pays more than any other job that Mom ever had. I think that both parents will come together and use their earnings wisely to buy an affordable apartment, especially after all 5 members of their family have shared concerns over continuing their life in the homeless shelter in which they currently