Poseidon: Demeter From The Ocean

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Poseidon admired Demeter from the sea. Demeter was spending time with her daughter before she has to go back to the underworld with Hades. The day passed, Poseidon still staring at the beautiful Demeter, Persephone said her goodbyes, and skipped away back into the underworld. Demeter watched the crack open up, as big as a ravine, and swallowed her whole. Demeter cried as the flowers around the world died, the trees go bare, and the crops growing go to waste. “Demeter, oh lovely, lovely Demeter, will thou be my wife, and Queen of the Sea.” “No, I shall not be Queen of the Sea, nor your wife. If you want to be my love, you shall give me a gift, an animal, who walks on land, and is beautiful, and graceful!” Demeter