
Positive And Negative Effects Of European Imperialism

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European expansion affected many countries around the globe, both positively and negatively impacting their society, political system, and economic system. Though many countries were interrupted by Europe’s imperialism, Africa, China, and India were changed forever. Socially, the sphere of influence introduced new ethics, traditions, and religions. Economically, the people were forced to grow what Europe wanted, instead of needs for the people to survive. Politically, the European rulers took control over the divided countries and changed their lives.
Socially, the victims of imperialism were forced to learn new ways of life, including, traditions, culture, education, and religion. Imperialism helped the undeveloped countries advance into the Industrial age, making many positives. Though the negatives quickly began to over flow. Many people …show more content…

European Imperialism took advantage of China through their weaknesses. All countries that Europe ruled had one thing in common, division among the natives. With China coming out of isolation, many countries fought for their land. The ethic division allowed for Europe to seize political power and completely change their government system. Every country Europe took power in the government was changed or created, which some natives didn’t mind. The power was always in Europe’s hand, with no representation from the native country. This political power made,” The wealth of China is used to profit the barbarians. The barbarians used the power to force or influence the natives into agreeing with their reign. Though the people had their opinions, “...[the foreigners] have taken advantage of our country...oppressed our state, encroached upon our territory, trampled our people and exacted our wealth”(Dowager Empress Cixi, 1900). In no doubt, these words of the natives are negative. Meaning the impact of European Imperialism was negative on a large

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