Imperialism In The Film Avatar

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Why is imperialism so important? It was important because they are having authority over these nations. This was the result of attitudes and superiority. They are making them think they are improving the area’s they are controlling. This was the foundation of globalization. Imperialism is a policy of extending a country’s power and influence through diplomacy and military force and it started about in the 1870’s. The Roman, Europeans, Portuguese, British, and the U.S. assumed control of other regions. The reason that imperialism is thought as negative is because they are using force to pretty much get what they want and nobody can’t really do anything about it. There was a lot of imperialism in the famous movie Avatar. The movie Avatar was directed by James Cameron and was made in 2009 and later released on December, 18, 2009. The movie was about an ex marine going against the military/ government to protect the Avatar people and leave their planet ( pandora ). The movie avatar portrays imperialism negatively because the government is trying to take this precious valuable resource from this planet that they live on but the avatar people are not going to leave. So the military use force to get what they want (unobtainium). The aspects of imperialism in this movie are Militaristic, Economic, and Assimilation. …show more content…

There is militaristic, economic, and assimilation. Militaristic played many roles in history, like when the roman used military force to conquer locations and people of europe, and economic happened when the chinese traded opium for tea and silver, and assimilation for example, the congo conference. There is many kinds of

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