Positive And Negative Reinforcement Paper

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The purpose of my paper was to explore motivation using positive and negative reinforcement to increase athletic performance. For those people who provide evaluation in our behaviors and capability play huge role in our lives. For example: At school we are evaluated by teachers, at home by parents, and in sports by coaches. If a student completes a difficult task in school, student will likely receive an A grade from teacher. If a kid behaves and listens well around the house, then most likely will get a toy or videogame. Coaches, on the other hand, have a difficult task in how to carry on their evaluation of player performance to a player. Coaches do not give out grades or toys, instead, they must depend on positive and negative feedback to …show more content…

The way these two types of reinforcement are managed makes up the hypothetical construct that is used to describe forces that lead to specific behavior or what is known as motivation (Vallerand, 2004). Motivation basically is the foundation of all the athletic effort and accomplishment. Without strong desire and courage, the possibility of improving any sport performances, all the other mental factors, like building confidence, higher intensity, total concentration, and emotion would be pointless. ( ) In order to become a good athlete, person must be motivated to do everything it takes to maximize the ability by achieving one`s goals. Motivation can begin and to continue at a task, and to perform at best, one must want to begin the process of progressing as an athlete and one must be ready to continue the efforts until the goals are being achieved. In sports, motivation is important to work hard in the face of fatigue, frustration, and pain. The impact that motivation has on sports performance will influence everything in one’s sport: physical conditioning, mental preparation and general lifestyle including sleep, diet, and school. There are 3 reasons that motivation can affect how well one can perform. First is ability that includes physical, technical, and mental ability. Ability is something one can not change is it outside of one’s …show more content…

Some coaches are not aware of sports psyche of their athletes, which is used most of the time when coaching. In my coaching experience I can see that some of the young athletes can not improve unless I tell them what needs to be done differently. Therefore, delivering the instructions with clarity and attention. One of the ideas that I prefer about my athletes is to be mentally tough and smart. Teaching the athletes how to motivate themselves through positive thinking by using internal motivation, also learning some tools to manage nervousness in competition and how to handle the challenge when it happens. It is alerting as a coach knowing my words and actions that my athletes receive can be affective. This requires plenty of tools to assist athletes to play at the high level. One of the best tools that I like to use as a coach are positive reinforcement. Like any other skill development and technique in coaching during practice, there should be patience as emerging towards using positive reinforcement. When coach uses active positive reinforcement, it assists the athlete to a big portion of their psyche. Do to my knowledge in science positive reinforcement is stored in our brain and its called limbic system. The limbic system deals with 3 main function which are emotions, memories, and stimulation, most importantly controls the athlete emotional response.