Essay On The Impact Of Internet On Deaf People

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The internet has many positive impacts on our daily lives. One major positive impact is society. Internet became a platform where people from different communities connect to share their knowledge, ideas, and desires. Clive Thompson, a Canadian science and technology writer, assures that by ‘’In fact, the online world offers kids remarkable opportunities to become literate and creative because young people can now publish ideas not just to their friends, but to the world’’ (Clive 107). Furthermore, just by interacting online with the others, people can get communication skills. Clive confirms that by ’’This type of interaction online with strangers can make kids more community-minded’’ (Clive 116). Additionally, he supports this point by ‘’And it turns out that when they write …show more content…

Deaf people, can benefit from the internet as much as a normal person is benefiting. They can contact other people from the planet without being identified as disabled and with all the comforts. Thomas Kim, an active writer for Theguardian, clarified this by ‘’While the internet has affected most of us somehow, it has transformed the lives of deaf people, especially the young, by overcoming two barriers that make many deaf people feel isolated’’(Kim 7). Besides, the internet provides deaf sites where deaf news, events, online chat, and deaf resources can be found. Kim demonstrates that by ‘’Nearly all of us can read and write, however, and tech-nologies such as email, instant messaging and chat rooms mean that deaf people can contact old friends and make new ones anywhere in the world’’(Kim 15).There are also many websites where deaf people can differentiate between the American sign language and the British sign language. As Thomas Kim stated ‘‘Another language barrier, that which divides speakers of British sign language and American sign language, also melts away. The internet touches almost every aspect of

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