The Importance Of Positive Coaching

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by waiting until the drill is over. Then review the error with the whole team or group emphasizing how to correct it. Follow this up with having players repeat the drill. It is imperative that coaches stay positive, avoid being negative with players, and never use profanity towards them. Coaches help shape the lives of their players; and in some cases, they are the only male adult role models some of these players have. Therefore, we must strive to be the best, positive role models we can be One thing that is sometimes difficult for some coaches to do is to adjust their practice script during practice. All coaches want to stay on time and keep the practice moving, but there are times when things are not going the way they should. The time for one period might need to be extended. If the players are not quite …show more content…

Before each game the players need to see that all coaches have a positive outlook on the game. During the game, no matter what is going on, coaches need to remain calm and level headed. There are always at least three good things and three bad things that will happen to every team during a game, and it is how we react to those things that ultimately determine the outcome of the game. After the game coaches need to either be humble winners or gracious losers. Positive coaching relies on praising the accomplishments of the players and making them feel good about themselves. Positive coaching is where one encourages his players to do the best they can do. Demanding behavior is where coaches demand their players to do things, and it puts negative pressure on the players. It is very important to use positive motivation for individual players as well as the team. Our team uses Pride Points that players can earn to cash in for extra gear and benefits. The team can also earn rewards by doing things the right way and as working as a team. Character