
Positives And Negatives Of Under Supervision

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To be under supervision is never exciting, usually intimidating, but can be beneficial although it may seem detrimental. Supervision puts people under pressure and as a result they work better and try harder. However it can also make people prone to more errors because it's quite nerve wracking to have someone hovering over you. Additionally, supervision also prevents conflict because most people don't initiate argument when someone is watching because that someone has the powerful to do so much more than the person you want to argue with. The supervisor has the power to terminate your contract because they may label you as unlikable and unable to work professionally with others. Contrarily, supervision can also stir up conflicts and set certain events in motion that you never thought would ever happen because you are under so much pressure and anything anyone says or does can …show more content…

For example, you may bottle up your hatred for someone because you don't want to start an argument and complain about everything they are doing wrong, but when you're under supervision, you may use it to your advantage and cleverly set certain events in motion to fire that person. If you weren't supervised the person may not be fired or at least you won't be the person who cost the person their job. Teachers and parents are two of the most common supervisory persons in your life and for them to monitor your time, your feelings and your homework can either be beneficial or detrimental depending on what type of person you are. If you slack off, find no motivation to do school work and menial tasks it may be very beneficial for your time, feelings and homework to be monitor because maybe someone hovering over you may motivate you. This is because you

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