Possible Causes Of Schizophrenia Essay

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Another possible cause of schizophrenia is brain chemistry. Certain brain chemicals called dopamine and glutamate, contributes to schizophrenia. Those two neurotransmitters help the brain cells communicate with one another. So if some of those neurotransmitters are not there or destroyed then to can cause schizophrenia. Environment is also another possible cause of schizophrenia. Before birth, if you get exposed to viruses or you didn't not get enough nutrition in the womb, you have an increased risk of developing schizophrenia. Substance use is found to be another leading cause of mental illnesses such as Schizophrenia. Several studies have found that by taking mind- altering drugs when you are younger can increase your risk of developing schizophrenia or another mental illness. The more frequently you used it when you are younger, the greater the risk is you could develop it. The symptoms of schizophrenia are split up into three different categories: positive, negative and cognitive. Positive symptoms are behaviors not are not usually seen in healthy people. Symptoms that are positive include hallucinations, delusions, thought disorders and also movement disorders. Thought disorders are when you have a thinking right and a movement disorder is when your body movements are rough and not routine …show more content…

Those are symptoms that are disruptions to your normal day-to-day emotions and behaviors. These include having less emotions and feelings of pressure in your everyday life. You begin to have difficulty starting and finishing activities and you have a reduced speaking. The last type of symptoms are cognitive symptoms any are the most severe and patients may notice changes in there memory and how they begin to think. They often have trouble focusing and they don't have the ability to pay attention. Some people lose the ability to understand information and use ti and also the ability to use information after learning