Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Case Study

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Tony is likely experiencing the emotional difficulty of post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This can be assumed because he has experienced a traumatic event and as a result, is experiencing long-term, severe reactions. PTSD is categorized by symptoms such as re-experiencing, dissociation, avoidance, negative alterations in cognitions and mood, irritable behaviour, sleep disturbances and difficulty concentrating. Through his life history, we know that Tony displays many of these symptoms. Children of Tony’s age do not know much in regards to catastrophes such as the one Tony has experienced. A child considers their home to be a place of safety and security. After this incident, Tony may now have negative connotations with his family’s home. This is a result of the limited knowledge Tony has about catastrophes. …show more content…

Because Tony experienced an acute-nonabusive type of stressor, he is most at-risk for generalized anxiety, separation anxiety, panic disorders, ADHD and depression respectfully. As stated in the text, PTSD shares the same or similar symptoms and diagnoses as these other emotional and psychiatric difficulties, which makes Tony more susceptible to these difficulties (Wick-Nelson & Israel, 2015, p. 127). Generally, as time goes on, the symptoms of PTSD will pass. Early attempts at implementing coping strategies has proven to be very effective ways of lessening the extent of symptoms (Wick-Nelson & Israel, 2015, p. 127). For the previously stated reason, the course of action that I would recommend to Tony’s family includes teaching Tony some positive coping strategies. Additionally, it is known the reactions of children to traumatic events is correlated to the reactions their parents have to the same trauma (Wick-Nelson & Israel, 2015, p. 127). The whole family might benefit from an atmosphere of support and