Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Case Study

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Understanding PTSD

Post-traumatic stress disorder, commonly called PTSD, is a psychological disorder resulting from the experience of a life threating event to include death. PTSD has countless causes and it does not age discriminate. Though Post-traumatic stress disorder has profound effects on people, often a person (including veterans) are left without a proper diagnosis. The rate is at an unactable level, providing a need for more in-depth understanding.
Using the (American Psychiatric Association,2013) DSM-5 criteria states that, “adults have directly witnessed or experienced the traumatic events”. These extreme events are often violent in nature. Furthermore, a cause in the diagnosis for PTSD in veterans is long-term or repeated …show more content…

Furthermore, the family may not understand what is going on. The family needs to learn the warning signs. The family with basic understanding has less strife. Third, a person may feel a strong sense of being alone, making it more difficult to express one's feelings. Moreover, a depressed feeling that no one will understand what is going on inside. They can create a mental block, by not allowing the unsure feelings to be expressed. At some point, a person must seek help if any thought of hurting themselves arises. “Individuals with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are more prone to suicidal ideation and behavior. …show more content…

Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing.
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