The Postmodernism Movement

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The first chapter is considered as the engine driving the entire document consisting of important arguments throughout. This chapter is aimed to reflect the aims and objectives, rationale, background, and methodology for the study to be conducted. 1.2. Background of Study The term postmodernism is considerably a complicated term consisting of different philosophies and artistic styles. The movement has emerged as the reaction higher levels of modernism, which is the framework of observing and thoughts related to the characterisations of the entire world in different ways that postmodernism has reacted against. The modernism is found to be interested in the narratives of history related to the teleological nature (Denzin, 2012; Kim, 2012). …show more content…

The aspects of postmodernism emerged within a time not defined by the revolution or war but by the media. Apart from modernism, postmodernism has no faith in the narratives of history or as the self as independent subject. The postmodernism is found to be interested in the instability and fragmentation while focusing on the elements of destruction of boundaries (Kim, 2012; Weston, et al., 2015). The mixture of different times along with the periods of art may have been considered as the high or low aspects and as a common practice in the work of postmodernism. This aspect of the practice is referred to as the pastiche while it is taking a subjective aspect of the globe with the identification of art. It further reflects the endless process of implications with the signs of certain meanings. It can be said that the postmodernism is known for demonstrating the perception of the globe, art and time as the defected one (Weston, et al., 2015; Petridis, …show more content…

Research Methodology The research approach selected for this research study is the qualitative approach due to the nature of the study. It is so because the study is based on the contextual analysis of the previous literature. The design for this study is explanatory as the paper is aimed to describe the social implications of films of postmodern era. For this reason, the researcher has selected the content analysis to provide the results and discussions for the study. The content analysis is based on some of the films reflecting the social implications. 1.7. Research Structure 1.8. Conclusion It can be concluded from the chapter that the background of the study has provided the basis for the formulation of aims and objectives. The research questions are then formulated in the chapter, which are intended to be answered in the literature review. Thus, the second chapter of this study is providing the literature review for the research study. Chapter Two – Literature Review 2.1. Introduction The purpose of this chapter is to provide the comprehensive literature based on previous studies. This chapter is focusing mainly on the research questions formulated in the previous chapter of this study while attempting to identify the research evidence along with the arguments related to the research