
Power Of Choice In Divergent Essay

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A young girl having to face a world of choices making enemies and friends. Who will betray her and who stay her real friends? Divergent, by Veronica Roth, is a thrilling novel set in post apocalyptic Chicago about the main character Tris having to make a choice between five factions. This seems simple enough but readers will come to learn there is something different about her, she is Divergent. In this novel there are many themes, but the most significant is how the power of a choice can transform society. The power of choice is first shown after the aptitude test. When Tris is deciding to tell her family that her test results were divergent. In the novel it says, “My family might be able to help me make my choice if I could talk about my aptitude test. But I can’t.” The evidence explains the power of choice by Tris choosing if she can trust her family of a fatal secret that if anybody finds out she will die. Choosing between the cheese and the knife during the simulation also shows the power of choice in Divergent by “Behind me a woman’s voice says “choose ‘why ’I ask ‘choose’ she repeats. I see why the cheese and knife would be handy”. This is during the …show more content…

This is true because in Divergent a famous quote is “faction before blood”,meaning their faction always comes before family. Tris has to choose whether she will stay in Abnegation and make her parents proud or will she become a traitor and switch over to Dauntless, the people she has admired since as long as she was in school. Another choice Tris makes is when Christina is hanging from the railing of the pit. It says “If I help her, Eric would make my fate the same as hers. Will I let her fall to her death, or will I resign myself to being factionless?” This shows the power of choice because Tris is having to choose will she save her friend no matter the cost or make Christina suffer the pain for a few more

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