Power Of Science Dbq Essay

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Over the centuries, science, and technology have simultaneously evolved to change the way people experience life. “With great power, comes great responsibility”- Uncle Ben, Amazing Fantasy #15 (Spider - Man). Science, and the technology that comes with it, allow people to create spectacular devices, and it gives them more power than ever. The power of science has a peculiar effect on the human race; it changes the way people perceive life, the universe, and its laws. There has been a shift from letting the universe take its course;to letting man take the universe’s course.
Travel back to ancient civilizations where there were polytheistic beliefs, and the universe was still a giant mystery. “ Hast thou not dragged Diana from her car?” (Source A). There was a sun god, a rain god, an earth god: a god for everything that people could not figure out. In continuation,science is disproving many of the traditional beliefs people hold; people are beginning to rely on cold hard facts over faith. “Who alterest all things with thy peering eyes.” (Source A). The quote is stating that with every new scientific discovery that comes along, a belief of someone’s is bashed, because science proved it “wrong”. As a result, …show more content…

Along with the wide scale scientific boom of the Renaissance came an increase in people with monotheistic or atheist beliefs, because science explained many of the questions about the universe humanity once had. Similar to Poe, Whitman holds a critical view to science, and technology. When he is sitting in on an astronomy lecture he is completely baffled by it. Instead of discussing the beauty of the stars, they were talking about the data of the stars(Source B). Therefore, with science there is a change from viewing nature as a beautiful portrait, or the work of a higher being ; to seeing it as numbers and