Power Struggles In The Taming Of The Shrew

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Everyday interactions that we have with countless people, are what lead to good and bad relationships, however no matter how good the relationship may seem there is almost always some kind of power struggle that exists in the relationship. People may say that they are perfectly happy in their relationship and that they are fine letting their partner make decisions, but subconsciously this is not true. Everyone always has an opinion about something even if they are too afraid to say it because it might be different or it might lead to an unwanted fight. Such as when a couple wants to pick a restaurant to eat at, the girl might suggest something and even though the boy doesn’t like that place he agrees because he knows that they will end up going there anyway …show more content…

In almost any relationship that you look at, there is almost always some kind of power struggle between the two parties. For example, look at President Donald Trump and the position he is in. In his first year has one of the worst approval ratings in history, and this is due to his controversial past.(CNN.com) The 35% approval rating reflects why the American people have been attempting to impeach him since he entered office, which illustrates the difficult relationship that he has with the American people. In relation to The Taming of the Shrew, Kate is essentially forced to marry Petruchio because of the lack of rights that women had in this time period. Petruchio automatically has more power in the relationship because of his gender, and this prevents Kate from objecting to the marriage. She attempts to tell everyone that she hates Petruchio, however he plays this off as her pretending to hate him and no one questions him after that. (pg #?) Plenty of women ended up in these same circumstances, indicating that women really didn’t have much of any power in their marriages before the