Practice: Safe Work Practice

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3. Situation Analysis
3.1. Current OSH methods that is practiced
3.1.1. Safe work
Safe work practices are generally written methods that characterize how tasks are performed while minimizing risks to people, equipment, materials, environment, and processes. Safe Work Procedures are recorded procedures for performing tasks. The purpose of a safe work procedure is to reduce the hazard to health and safety in the workplace and reduce the likelihood of an injury by ensuring that employees know how to work safely when carrying out the tasks involved in their occupations.
Workers frequently cite the weight and bulkiness of objects that they lift as major contributing factors to their injuries. Bending, followed by twisting and turning, were the more …show more content…

It must be provided to workers involved in material handling prior to using equipment or participation in material handling activities. This training program is intended to give the framework and tools each facility needs to consider for their program. Essential instruction about safe work including signs and common symptoms of musculoskeletal injury, risk factors, ergonomics and body mechanics and general injury prevention strategies. Worker training and assessment in center skills, for example, body mechanics. Worker training on job specific tasks, equipment and safe work procedures. Applying general safety principles such as legitimate work practices, equipment, and controls can help reduce workplace accidents involving the moving, handling, and storing of materials. Regardless of whether moving materials physically or mechanically, your employees should know and comprehend the potential hazards associated with the job that needs to be done and how to control their workplaces to minimize the danger. Since various injuries can result from improperly handling and storing materials, workers should also be aware of accidents that may result from the unsafe or improper handling of equipment as well as from improper work practices. Furthermore, workers should be able to recognize the methods for eliminating or at least minimizing the occurrence of such accidents. Employers and employees should …show more content…

There are some employee didn’t wear proper personal protection equipment (PPE). Other than that, other workers from other department spend lot of times in noisy area. This situation can cause hearing problem and sudden exposure to high noise level can cause permanent deafness by rupturing the eardrum. As well as, high level noise or working with noises for long period increase blood pressure, headache can cause inability to concentrate on their work and at the same time it will leads to accident in