Practicum Experience Essay

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I have met many of my objectives that I have had for myself throughout this practicum experience. The four objectives that were most prominent to me this week included that I improved my parent education techniques, practiced therapeutic communication techniques, became competent in IV medication administration in the NICU setting, and I placed an NG tube. The first objective that I met this week was that I improved my parent education skills. I had a patient ask me why I was administering saline after I had administered Tylenol. I explained that due to the small dose size, their child’s medication is still in the tube and has not reached their child. The saline acts as a flush to ensure that their child receives their Tylenol. I also had another mom ask me why I did another assessment even though I did …show more content…

I am happy that my first times doing theses procedure were on babies, instead of an older child that may know what is going on when I walk into the room. This is still something I would like to work on, yet I am happy I was able to attempt this procedure in practicum. A strength that I have is that I have gained a lot of independence throughout my practicum experience. I continue to grow and improve each day that I am at practicum. Even when I am nervous, I jump in and complete my tasks, and ask Jennifer for help, when I am unsure of how to complete a task. On my ninth shift Jennifer made a comment that she felt like she did not have to really do anything, and said I did well. A weakness that I need to work on is being more confident in myself. When new things arise, I get nervous and then try to critically think of how to complete the task. However, that I second guess myself, then feel bad and ask Jennifer for help. I am a person that likes to be shown how to do something, then complete it with someone and get feedback, then I am fine to complete the task on my