Methodology: Pragmatic Approach To Research Design

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Chapter 3 Methodology
Research Design
Different types of research design are selected according to the needs of the research. In this specific study, research used to intend mixed research design because this study is depending upon both quantitative and qualitative data. The means of data collection will be gathered through primary and secondary sources.
Research Approach
To conduct a research, it is necessary to determine what approach is being implemented as typically scientific investigation involves alternating among induction and deduction. Research approaches are based on the procedures and plans of research that extent the assumptions to detailed methods of interpretation, data collection and analysis. There are two research approaches …show more content…

Researchers of pragmatic grant themselves with the freedom to employ any procedures, methods and techniques that typically associated with qualitative and quantitative research. Every method in this research has its own limitations and diverse approaches that can be complementary.
Advocacy/participatory approach to research (emancipator)
At some extent researchers adopt an advocacy/participatory approach to find the approaches to the requirements and condition of the individual from vulnerable and marginalized groups. The main aim of this approach brings a positive change in the research subjects lives.
Research Respondents
In this study, 100 consumers were asked to inform about products by using questionnaire. Survey is used by respondents in order to take part in the research process. For instance, if a questionnaire working file is complete then student or academic who used information in questionnaire in specific sector will be a research respondent.
Consumer research …show more content…

The appropriate data collection method is focused to gather the required data. In this study, primary and secondary data has been collected by researcher. In primary data, researcher conduct surveys by using questionnaires while in secondary data; researcher conduct information by using online resources such as books, research articles and journal papers. The quantitative method for collecting data through questionnaires will be used to test statistically. The data collected in this research will be quantitative in nature thus; SPSS will be employed to test regression and correlation according to the survey

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