Standpoint Theory In Social Work

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Swigonski (1991) discussed the effectiveness of standpoint theory in confronting social problems concerning social work. The study of theory begins with the assumption that society is structured by power relations generating unequal opportunities or ideologies. The theory states that in most cases, the oppressed individuals include women and girls where most of their activities within communities are less valued compare to activities assigned to boys and men. To develop a standpoint, social workers and development practitioners presents human communication as a way for affected individuals to engage in intellectual conversations and discussions concerning the complex social problems that surrounds the subordinate status of women and girls in disadvantaged communities. These communication approaches may also include readings, attending talks and workshops, reflection, and participation with groups such as the consciousness-raising groups (Haraway, 1988). The unique contribution of standpoint theory is that it facilitates inquiry from the perspective of the insiders (i.e. women and girls) rather than external categories of professionals or ruling elites (Harding, 1991). The guiding principles of standpoint theory are organized in three elements: 1) authenticity and authority, 2) the client as agents, and 3) reflective awareness, analysis, and consciousness raising (Sosulski, 2014). First for authenticity and authority, the clients ' awareness of their social location grants