Prairie Club Training Report

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I work at The Prairie Club, which is a golf course outside of Valentine, as a bartender during the summer months. When it comes to the training of becoming a bartender, we all had to be TIPS certified. “TIPS (Training for Intervention Procedures) is the global leader in education and training for the responsible service, sale, and consumption of alcohol. TIPS is a skills based, alcohol training and certification program that is designed to prevent intoxication, underage drinking, and drunk driving by enhancing the fundamental people skills of servers, bartenders, sellers, and consumers of alcohol (n.a., 2013).” When it comes to the TIPS training at The Prairie Club, we had a speaker that walked through all of the training procedures with …show more content…

This portion consisted of several different videos that asked you what should you do in this situation. For example, there were videos of highly intoxicated people leaving the bar trying to drive home, pregnant women asking for an alcoholic beverage, intoxicated people passed out at the bar, people fighting, etc. I found this portion of the training to be the greatest strength and the most beneficial. This portion of the training involved the audience in the discussion and allowed for creative thinking and encouraged people to look at and understand another person’s point of view on the situation. This portion of the training was a definite strength for me, because it gave me the confidence I needed to recognize potential alcohol-related problems and intervene to prevent alcohol-related tragedies when …show more content…

The first step in leveraging your strength is to collect feedback from a variety a people you present to. By gathering input from a variety of sources, you can develop a much broader and richer understanding of yourself than you can from a standard performance evaluation. To leverage your strengths you should ask your participants what they found the most useful about the presentation and take that information and use it in your next presentations. Use this feedback as an insightful image that you can use as a reminder of your previous contributions and as a guide for future action. Redesign your presentation in order to build on what you are good