'A Rhetorical Analysis Of Drinking Driver'

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Drinking while Driving Brad Bulla article “What are the Chances your Child will Ride in the Car with a Drinking Driver” explains how his son, Jedidiah, died. He tells his story of how his son died when Jedidiah went into a car with a friend of his that had been drinking while driving. Jedidiah had many aspirations of what he envisioned himself as after his final year of high school, but he could not reach his aspirations because of the poor decision that he made; his decision of riding with a driver who had been drunk. Jedidiah wanted the driver to quit drinking but the driver did not stop drinking, so Jedidiah took over the car which ended up killing him while the driver that drunk had survived. Brad Bulla incorporates different studies and statistics …show more content…

Brad continues on with the study about why someone will get into a car with a drunk driver, what the person’s motives for doing so, and the impact on the drunk driver. The person wants to make a positive impact; in addition, that person wants to give that person advice to the drunk driver to protect people and themselves in the car by controlling their alcohol intake or limiting their alcohol intake altogether. If that person supports that person drinking then that will make the person who is drinking want to limit their alcohol consumption so that they can save lives and protect people. I personally feel that if that person gives people advice on how to control their alcohol intake while driving that will be beneficial not only to the person driving but to the rest of the community; in addition, giving teenagers and adults advice would spread awareness that will persuade the person drinking to