
Persuasive Essay On Underage Drinking

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Underage Drinking Alcohol is most often used by teens than adults. Most young adults do not drink in a responsible manner. Many people have had serious injuries caused by themselves alone and/or with multiple people, due to their lack of knowledge while drinking. Why is age of use of alcohol so critically important? Sometimes teens tend to drink for fun/ for an occasion that is special to them or to numb from pain. They also think it’s fun to drink at a young age. Yes it probably is, but while drinking they do not think of the damages it can cause to their body and/or the damages it can cause to others. Most common thing that happens when driving under the influence is car accidents. Statistics show 1,580 people under age 21 die yearly because of “drinking and driving”(www.niaaa.nih.gov). Teens do not have conscious when they have drank even a few drinks, so they make poor decisions at that moment. Young adults are most likely to have car accidents than older adults. This also shows that young adults are more likely to lose their life in a car accident due to drinking, than any other situation. As a result, people don’t think of the huge mistake they are getting into by being behind the wheel while under the influence. Overuse of drinking can lead to violence and any other situation, because people are not aware of what …show more content…

It’s sometimes good to be the individual, no one can make you do anything you don’t want. It sucks being an outcast or someone that people think is “boring”. That is okay though because as long as you know you are not boring or the friends you have know that as well. Sometimes people just have different types of fun with different types of people. They can make it a solution if they want to, because yes it’s hard to say no but that’s when the braveness kicks in. They put their foot down and say “no” from the start and no one will make them do

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