Underage Drinking In America Essay

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The effects of Underage drinking in America There are so many effects of underage drinking in America that can cause you to do something bad. Some of these terrible effects, can cause you to be physically and mentally harmful from yourself; causing numerous health risks, and to others around you. Some of these effects can really damage others, such as family, friendship relationship, and a large amount of the population growing up each year. It’s really important to see what are you doing instead of doing it right away. Most of the time people have a different view, believing that they don’t think that underage drinking can truly harm you. But to others, the amount of health risks that come from underage drinking is a big and terrible …show more content…

For example it’s affecting their life as an young adult like going to school. “School problems, such as higher absence and poor or failing grades.” Some of the students here in America do struggle with their grades at school. Each year that the students are failing their grades at school the population grows every time. There will always be students who will be working hard enough to bring grades up or stop drinking but the problem is that they give up easily. There’s always a way to fix the …show more content…

The problem about this is that whenever you are drunk or something it can really cause you to argue so bad with the people who love you. “Teens are at greater risk for developing alcohol-related problems when alcohol is readily available at home or among their peer group, and if drunkenness is acceptable.” Whenever the teens start to drink they get all of the problems and that’s how they start argue with their parents. But another thing is that they start to do that just to stop being stressed with all of their family problems. Also they never know how to really control their self while they are drinking and at the same time they are causing a lot of problems. The next thing is that it can also affect on how each year the population is growing just by all of the effects that it’s being