Underage Drinking: Annotated Bibliography

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Alex Wilmore Professor Joshua N. James ENG 111 22 June 2015 Annotated Bibliography J. A. Grunbaum, L. Kann, L., S. Kinchen, et al, "Youth risk behavior surveillance-United States, 2003," MMWR Surveillance Summaries: Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report Summary 53(2):1-96, May 21, 2004. This article talks about the different types of research that has been conducted and associated with Underage Drinking. This plays a big role in risky sexual behavior, as well as unwanted, unintended, and unprotected sex, and sex with multiple partners. Such behavior will increase the chance for unplanned mental function for catching sexually transmitted diseases, as well as infection with HIV, and the virus that causes AIDS. Underage Drinking will increase the chance of physical and sexual abuse. It creates secondhand …show more content…

The unfortunate part of this article is that it is reality. Therefore, while I agree with the main points of the article, it sometimes becomes difficult to read. Overall, I consider the article to be beneficiary in two ways. National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse. Teen Tipplers: America's Underage Drinking Epidemic. New York, NY: National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA) at Columbia University; 2002. The main topic of this article talks about our Underage Drinking in our growing society, and what can done about it. If underage drinking is eliminated, shopping for alcohol could decrease by billions. This would end in a quick reduction in shopper expenditures. If all adult excessive drinkers were reborn to moderate drinkers World Health Organization consume a pair of drinks every day, rather than disbursement $53.6 billion for alcohol, the expenditure would be a few billion. The loss of billions in adult shoppers for alcohol consumption to the loss of $22.5 billion in underage drinking would end in a loss of