Have you ever been offered a drink? Did you accept or reject the offer? Underage drinking is one of the largest social issues in America, it is also a risk that attracts developing teenagers. Many teens can ruin, or may even lose, their lives from drinking under the appropriate age. When many teens drink they don’t realize the unhealthy effects the drinking may have on their lives, families, and communities. Underage drinking laws are in effect to keep the young teens safe and out of danger. Although some teens may not agree with, or even follow the laws, they should really think twice about their decisions.
According to the 2013 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, more than 35% of 15 year olds has reported that they have had at least 1 or more drinks in their lives. Approximately, 5.4 million people, ages 12 to 20, engaged in binge drinking and 1.4 million have engaged in heavy drinking. Underage drinking risks include death, serious injuries impaired judgment, physical and/or sexual assault, and brain development problems. There are many warning signs of underage drinking such as,
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For instance, MCO 1700.22F states that possession or consumption of any alcoholic beverage while under the age 21 on any Marine Corps installation located in the united states or territories is prohibited, except overseas and then the age would be based on the host nation’s drinking age. This order establishes policies and provides requirements for implementation of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC). Violations may result disciplinary action under Article 92, which may result in a Page 11 or 6105, a counseling that follows you throughout your military career or a Non-Judicial Punishment (NJP), a form of military justice authorized by Article 15 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). These two forms of punishment can really hinder someone’s career and can cause a life of bad decisions and