Predator And Prey Report: Natural Selection

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Predator and Prey Report

H0: I predict that there will be no difference between animals that have strong genes and weak genes.
HA: I predict that animals with strong genes would have more opportunity to survive than the ones that have weak genes.

Natural Selection is the process by which populations are able to adapt and evolve. In simple words is just the rate of reproduction and mortality. Those organisms who successfully adapt to the environment survive and reproduce organisms able to adapt and survive too. The purpose of this activity is to see how natural selection happen and see which animals evolve and adapt to their environment in order to survive. Animal struggle for existence, …show more content…

The students were divided into three groups and each group represented three species of birds (the predators) with different beaks. Spoons, knives and forks represented the types of beaks, they also used glasses, and the glasses represented their stomach. White, black, red and green beans represented the prey. The beans (preys) were randomly spread on a marked area on the grass. The teacher had a clock set to 1 minute during that minute everyone begun hunting, the glass was no allowed to touch the ground, after one minute everyone counted how many beans(prey) the got and recorded the results on the data sheet. Then everyone formed a line from lowest to highest, in numerical order for example from 21,20,19,18,17 and so on, the first ten with the lowest amount of prey(beans) died and the next ten with the highest amount survive if there was one in the middle of the first ten and the second ten (neutral) survived but with weak genes. Then the ten that survive randomly selected new beaks (spoons, knives, forks) and gave them to the ones that died, depending on which type of beak (spoons, knives, forks) you got you joined a new group or stayed with the same one. Then the process of hunting started again doing the same thing two more times (generations1, 2, and