Pregnant Teenager Stereotypes

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Imagine being a female pregnant teenager in the 1960’s? Now imagine being a female pregnant teenager now. A lot has changed during the decades. First off ,back then a pregnant teen would have to drop out of school and in today 's society pregnant teens are actually proceeding on their education. What hasn 't changed are all these stereotypes and misconceptions being thrown at pregnant high schoolers. All the stereotypes that these pregnant teenagers face are leaning towards misconceptions. Not all pregnant teens are lonely, poor and dropouts, people just assume because of all that shade being thrown at them. A stereotype portrays traits and images to a specific group of people. A misconception is a false statement that people make based on …show more content…

They might say that they’re grades are going to decrease because they need to do homework and take care of the baby at the same time, this is where Maria said she has always been a dedicated student. Not a 4.0 overachiever but a regular on track to graduate person.she claimed, “I will never forget those restless nights consisting of changing diapers,feeding him, burping him, rocking him and doing my homework but one thing was for sure I never gave up on my baby boy or my education. I knew one day all this was going to pay off.” Though it may be difficult to be pregnant and attending school at the same time, it could be easier knowing that they get support from their family and friends. To know that their loved ones are going to be right there with them makes it more soothing for them to take in this motherhood idea. In fact these pregnant teens actually finish high school and proceed on to college. Ms.Mendez stated that she didn 't know it was going to be this hard, being pregnant and going to school but she also said that the support from her boyfriend family and friends has helped her through these obstacles she was facing. She claims , “From the help of my boyfriend, his family and mine we all came together as one, and I will forever be grateful to God for my blessings if it wasn 't for them to help me overcome my need of education I wouldn 't know where …show more content…

That is not true in this case a lot of young girls choose life for their little ones. Though there 's teens that abort, not because they want to, but because they feel pressured by their family or by not having the support she desires. About 38% would rather have an abortion than to keep the child, so this means 62% of them do keep the child. People might say that the children of these teen moms are going to have a difficult life but little do they know is that they want their children to be successful , they don’t want them to be like them. They want to give them a better life, a new world so they can take on the challenge. They want nothing but the best for them. Maria affirms that she never thought about having an abortion when she asserts, “ when I found out I was pregnant never did abortion cross my mind, I come from a catholic hispanic background and we just know that killing the baby is wrong, I couldn 't do that to him, by not giving him the right to live.” She claims that she comes from a religious mexican background in which they strongly opposed on abortion. Maria has made it clear that she 's not a teen mom who 's going to have an abortion but choosing life for the child. She feels that the baby doesn 't have any fault for her actions. She expresses her way of thinking by