Prejudice And Discrimination In Robert Merton's The Help

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The Help is set in the 1960’s Mississippi where Jim Crow laws were in full effect. This story shed some light on the horrific, demeaning treatment blacks were subjected to at the hands of “White America”. Unfortunately, this is only one aspect of what life was like being an African American in the early 60’s. My grandfather grew up in Montgomery Alabama, as a child he witnessed the hanging of a family friend for refusing to walk his handicap sister in the middle of the road; off the sidewalk. He was sick of being treated unequal, so he tried to exercise his freedom from slavery which is a basic human right. Lynching such as this were common practice among many southerners. We all know if a black woman would have made any type of “special pie” for …show more content…

Blacks were segregated, beaten, raped, stripped away from their families, sold then made to raise white children, starved, basically treated worse than dogs. The Help faces with issues such as scapegoating of blacks, Robert Merton’s Modes of Prejudice and Discrimination, frustration aggression and contact hypothesis from the perspectives of the African American maid. Through contact hypothesis many of the stereotypes that shadowed blacks were proven unjustified and were exposed by a young writer named Skeeter played by Emma Stone. The all-weather bigot is a person who discriminates against minorities and acts their on prejudice views these groups are White Supremacy, KKK, and anti-sematic. In the movie one scene that stood out; when the bus driver made the elderly black woman get off the bus when there were riots due to the assassination of Medgar Evers, an African American civil rights leader who was shot execution style in his driveway by white supremacist Byron De La Beckwith in Jackson Mississippi (A&E, 2014). The fair-weather bigot is one who will keep his