
Prejudice In Bend It Like Beckham

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In the movie 'bend it like beckham' the main character Jess goes through quite a lot of prejudice throughout the many different themes that we have explored, these including gender, racial, cultural etc. The scenes in which prejudice is shown to us in the movie also show the determination and the perseverance in which Jess has to fight for what she wants and how she wants to be treated.
It is quite evident that the producer/ maker of this movie wanted to base it on the theme prejudice because throughout many different scenes there are many different types of prejudice defined through the characters action, dialogue, tone of votive, music etc. Personally, the main theme of prejudice that was explored was gender prejudice. An example of gender prejudice would be when Jules Paxton says "It's not just Indians, I mean look at the crowd we get". Fundamentally, this quote is explaining and trying to show that being Indian is not the only reason that forbids girls to play sport, it is because people haven't taken the heart to accept women playing football/soccer because traditionally it is known to be as a men's sport. …show more content…

The movie 'bend it like beckham' really explores the idea of racial prejudice by setting the main characters in an Indian culture. One of the most racial evident scenes would be when Mr Bhamra is explaining what happened to him when he was younger and his dream was to play cricket. When he wanted to join the cricket team in England, he was treated extremely poorly and wasn't accepted to play/join the team because of where he was from and his culture. This issue also ties in with the issue of Jess really wanting to play football/soccer but Mr Bhamra was very upset about this and didn't want what happened to him, happen to Jess as

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