Present Day Scorpion Research Paper

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Evolution, the process by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms during the history of the earth all started by Charles Darwins. There are many facts found in the ground and has been proven that this use to be far fetched logic is a fact (so we think).
The discoverer of evolution is Charles Darwin which created a scientific theory when he had made a trip to a few islands. on every island there were a bird (of the same species) that possessed a different type of beak (which was the result of evolution).on one of the islands this bird had a long narrow beak to get insects out of logs and dirt. On the next island the bird had a short fat strong beak that can break through …show more content…

It resembled that of a present day scorpion. When observing the fascinating discovery and comparing to to the present claw of a scorpion its very easy to say/notice that the scorpion has adapted to the habitat it currently lives in at this point in time. We are know as a Homosapien. We as a advance human race has came up with a theory that we have have evolved from monkeys and adapted at time went by. Now going from using out of date hand made tool; now we possessed touch screen phones, cars that exceed 200 mph; and even weapons that can destroy a whole country that is a effect of evolution. Evolution is why we have all these advanced tools that we don't even have to build our self we have created machines to do it for; the result of it is evolution
Evolution help not only us as a species to evolve but all living organisms. fish for example; There is a pound filled with fish. The first fish are slow but there are always faster one’s. Now they breed and as time pastes the fish in the pound will become faster and faster. The slower fish will die out eventually till only the faster fish will be left. this is as you should know by now as